Our Programs

Our approach with our clients is to help them obtain Optimal Performance by navigating through what life has to offer by creating realistic plans, developing confidence through experience, and teaching them to exceed expectations.

Strategies are formulated around building confidence by awareness, acceptance, motivation, concentration, focus, attention/emotional control, positive self-talk, team cohesion, visualization, and developing proper routines. Supplemental to teaching mental skills, Sean incorporates modern technology such as video editing, applications, and biofeedback to help clients not only see but feel what it is like to be confident and in control.

Individual Support

We’ve worked with many of the best young, current, and veteran athletes and entertainers. Currently, we support active MLB, NFL, NBA, PGA and LPGA, NCAA, Fortune 500 Executives, Entertainment, and teams extensively, helping to guide and shape them as they prepare to sustain an elite mindset within their respective industries.

Elite competitors in sports, business, and entertainment have a limited window to be at their best. This involves a unique understanding of what it takes to be at your best. The mind orchestrates all other parts of the body, and it determines the choices and decisions we make. Our decisions are governed by our values and priorities.

Most individual competitors fall along with one of the areas of development:

  • Unconsciously Incompetent – they don’t know that they don’t know
  • Consciously Incompetent – they know that they don’t know
  • Unconsciously Competent – they don’t know that they know
  • Consciously Competent – they know and know that they know

Many times, we struggle to understand where we fall relative to our understanding of both who we are as a competitor and where we need to focus. In many cases, we over-estimate our competency which ultimately limits clear decision making. Without recognition of our weaknesses, we don’t attack the performance areas it will take to succeed or master the demands that lay in front of us. In other cases, we underestimate ourselves and our abilities with respect to our team, sport, circumstances, and/or future, subsequently not developing the confidence we’ve earned relative to past performances.

With Optimal Mental Performance we focus on the following areas with our clients:

• VIDEO ANALYSIS (where applicable)


Agency Support

We’ve supported agencies representing clients in MLB, NFL, NBA, NCAA, Entertainment, and Professional golf and teams extensively helping to guide and shape elite athletes as they prepare for the draft off-seasons or are in the need of in-season support.

At Optimal Mental Performance, we are committed to supporting you along this road. We have been through some of the biggest rises and most difficult defeats. It is not easy dealing with either. In truth, your mind matters and so does your approach. At the highest levels, we are constantly reminded that we are measured and evaluated in the present which makes our habits and daily decisions critical. Experience matters and the right decisions at critical times make all the difference. We have been trusted by the world’s best agents and managers and understand how to assimilate into a multi-faceted support team.

“Everything is interconnected. All elements of performance. From your internal confidence to the external humidity. It has nothing to do with whether WE believe it or not – it just is. I don’t need to be fluent in physics to be impacted by gravity. The question is ‘how are you addressing these various areas in your life? In your career? In your relationships?’ The truth is our choices are limited if we have high expectations. The path is the path. It takes what it takes.”

We inherently understand the importance of giving someone you are committed to supporting the best chance to succeed.

Most experts break our potential into 3 distinct categories:
• Ability
• Knowledge
• Desire

As a manager or agent, at one point or another, you directly impact all of the above areas and many times are leaned on as a psychologist, parent, coach, friend, and teammate on along and potentially rewarding journey.

At Optimal Mental Performance, we are committed to supporting you along this road.


Team Support

Teams are defined in the present, not the past. No matter who you are or what you’ve accomplished, rapid advances in training, nutrition, and game strategy are quickly and continually leveling the playing field.

Sustained success depends not only on athletes mastering physical and technical skills but on the ability to change entrenched behaviors that limit success. Successful teams build programs and they are increasingly aware that they must capitalize on human effectiveness – they must improve human performance both physically and mentally. For most teams, one of the last undeveloped areas of preparation focuses on the mindset, approach, and/or mental conditioning of players and coaches.

Our program for professional and college teams focuses specifically on providing proven methods to develop, advance, and maintain the proper mindset so that players and coaches may succeed every day, every practice, and every game.

Athlete specific programs focus on:
• Developing high personal expectations
• Identifying and applying elite habit patterns
• Building leadership skills
• Overcoming external distractions
• Improved sleep strategies
• Transitioning to new leadership positions
• Managing, not dwelling on, criticism
• Overcoming the Bystander Effect
• Work and personal life balance
• Embracing quarterly pressures

These strategies are taught through individual and group sessions, featuring activities, exercises, and multimedia presentations to best engage athletes.

Coach specific programs focus on:
• Team, staff, and employee messages
• Continued development of leadership skills
• Managing personal and corporate expectations
• Overcoming external distractions
• Improved sleep strategies
• Integrating support resources
• Developing internal leaders and leadership groups
• Continued professional development

Changing behavior can be more difficult than learning new technical skills. Optimal Mental Performance’s goal is to provide tools and strategies that emphasize personal growth, responsibility, and adaptability. Enhancing your team through investing in people improves productivity and leads to greater success.

We implement our program with players and coaches through a four-step process:
• Observing behaviors and interactions
• Interacting with individuals and groups
• Educating on best practices
• Applying new strategies

We implement our program with players and coaches through a four-step process:
• Observing behaviors and interactions
• Interacting with individuals and groups
• Educating on best practices
• Applying new strategies

In college and professional sports we integrate our program throughout the cadence of their respective seasons.

In college and professional sports we integrate our program throughout the cadence of their respective seasons.

Phase 1:
Integrated Support during Summer or OTA/Player-Led Training
Mental conditioning sessions can be integrated weekly along with your or sport-specific off-season strength and conditioning, movement, 7-on-7, or micro-game-based programs to build the foundation of a successful mindset.

Phase 2:
In-season support
Weekly or game-specific mindset sessions with coaching staff and players, both directly and indirectly, and focused on particular needs along with on-field support for specified practices and games.

Phase 3:
Spring/Off-Season Maintenance Program
The post-season plan created based upon prior season’s processes and outcomes. Support includes on-site and distance coaching to build upon the previous success and outline future goals.

The program includes a team-specific manual and a leadership guide.
In other sports, we customize our approach to the specific events or goals of their respective teams, clubs, or federations.


Strategic Corporate Advising

Enhancing leadership skills, developing high personal expectations, integrating a “Neutral Mindset”, work and personal life balance, embracing quarterly pressures, and more.

Strategic Advising Outcomes

• Enhancing leadership skills
• Developing high personal expectations
• Integration of a “Neutral Mindset”
• Identifying and applying elite habit patterns
• Embracing pressure as a reflection of ambition
• Building leadership skills
• Overcoming external distractions
• Transitioning to new leadership positions
• Managing, not dwelling on, criticism
• Work and personal life balance
• Embracing quarterly pressures


While our space is limited, we look for challenges and people who are exceptional but striving to get better. As Ray Kroc (McDonald’s Legendary Founder) stated, the world is run by those who are green and growing, not ripe and rotting. The reality is that has little to do with age and everything to do with approach. While a manager, an agent, manages a significant amount of intricacies between the talent, families, and organizations; we all understand that impacting the state of mind and steering it is essential and continuous improvement will always be critical.

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What you do next will.

-Trevor Moawad

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